A recent episode of Adam Sessler's 'Sessler's Something' addressed the question of if the Wii U can be salvaged. He indicated that the
core first party Nintendo titles have failed to stir up a interest for
the console, and in part blamed the clunky controllers for the Wii U's failure.
I'm not a Nintendo hater, I own a Wii and have an NES and SNES in my
collection. But I'm not interested in buying the Wii U. Here's why, for me, the Wii U has failed.
Graphics aren't everything, and as a fan of
retro gaming I will be right up on the front lines defending the gameplay >
graphics argument. And yes, historically many Nintendo consoles have been the
under powered option - but also the market leader. But the difference in
technical ability between the Wii U and the Xbox One / PS4 is extreme - to the
point that many developers have completely lost interest in developing for the Wii U altogether.
Here's the thing, as a PC gamer (and a new father with limited cash) I'm likely
to only own one console this generation. I own a PS3 for two reasons - 1) to
play the cross platform console titles that don't see a PC release, and 2) to
play games which PC release will be hugely delayed and I want to get on the
hype train now. If developers aren't releasing those games on the Wii U then
there is very little reason for me to own the system. I will happily give up the Nintendo exclusive titles to play the likes of GTA 5 right now.
This brings me to my next point....
2) Nostalgia gaming.

But Nintendo's reliance on it's core
franchises doesn't push me towards the Wii U for a couple of reasons;
1) In the early 90s New Zealand was firmly
Sega territory, and in the late 90s and early 2000s it was PlayStation. The
first time I played a Nintendo console wasn't until 1999 when a friend picked
up a Nintendo 64 - and the only game I really played was 007 Golden Eye. I didn't
see an NES or SNES until a few years ago. I didn't grow up with Nintendo, and I
simply don't have any nostalgia or brand loyalty for the old Nintendo
characters. That's not too say the games are necessarily bad. But simply announcing a new Mario, Zelda, Donkey
Kong, Pikmin or Metroid title simply isn't going to get me hyped into buying
any console. And I have absolutely no interest in playing re-releases like Wind
Waker HD.

And, to be really honest, some (certainly not all, but some) of the games in the Nintendo core franchises are over rated. Example - One of the first games I got when I bought my Wii was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. This was the first Zelda game I ever played, and I just don't get the hype. It's not a bad game, I guess, but it is a very very average action RPG. It felt very linear, dated, and kind of dumbed down. Just a very hollow overall experience. Maybe Twilight Princess was just a bad title to be introduced to the Zelda universe. But the game felt like it was more interested in exploiting nostalgia rather than presenting a cutting edge gameplay experience. 'Hey remember this sound effect from the 80s?'. 'Remember this boomerang weapon?'. 'Remember fishing? That was cool right?'.

If Nintendo was to branch out into some new and innovative IP's then I could get on board with the Wii U. The Wii U gamepad is just begging for the right game to come along that utilises its full potential. The touchscreen essentially allows for unlimited button configurations and data presentation optons. How about about a good solid space combat sim similar to X-Wing where the combat is played on the TV, and the shield and weapon configurations, ships systems, communications, targeting systems, and tactical maps are displayed on and controlled by the touchscreen in real time. Each ships system being presented on its own screen, with each screen allocated to a face button to bring it up. How about some RTS games using the touchscreen like a laptop track pad? A Dungeon Keeper remake? Or how about ignoring the gamepad altogether and just provide some titles with deep immersive gameplay and worlds to explore?
This point is more of a weaker argument,
but I'm the kind of gamer that likes to enter a story from the ground floor.
Any series which has a developing story line between games, or recurring
characters, I want to play in order starting from the first game. It's just how
I want to do it. But the Nintendo core franchises have such long lineages that
playing every game in the series is out of the question.
4) I own a Wii.
This is perhaps the biggest reason for why
I'm not interested in a Wii U. I got my Wii about a year after it was released,
and until I got my PS3 in 2012 it was my only 7th generation console. As I said
above, prior to 2006 Nintendo wasn't a big player in New Zealand. The Wii was
the first Nintendo console to really penetrate the NZ market, and it was the
first Nintendo console I ever owned or had any real experience with. And it
wasn't very good.
Controls. Back in 2006 Nintendo was hyping
motion controls as the next big thing. It was going to revolutionise how we
played games. The first run of TV
commercials showed the Wii being played with what appeared to be near 1 to 1
motion capture. Gaming would never the same. And all this carried a lot of
weight coming from Nintendo, who had reputation of producing top quality
I was seriously considering buying the
console, but it wasn't until I played Wii Sports while waiting in an airport
for an international flight that I decided that I would pick one up. Like
everyone, my first game of Wii Sports tennis involved making proper heavy
swings with the Wiimote, mimicking a real tennis racket. I thought it was
awesome - the gameplay that this machine would allow would be absolutely phenomenal.
Lightsaber or sword fights where you actually participated in the action -
slashing, blocking and thrusting rather than just hitting X and Y. Harry Potter games
where you actually cast spells with the Wiimote. New platformers where the
characters responded to your movements. And gameplay experiences that I hadn't
even imagined... This was how the Wii got you. It wasn't until you purchased
the Wii and got it home that you realised what you were really in for.
The reality was that the Wiimote was far
from a revolutionary control system. The controller used a rudimentary system
for tracking 3d movement, meaning that true 1 to 1 motion tracking was
impossible. Instead any small movement in the right direction was often enough
to register as a command - leading to the infamous Wii waggle. For me this
really took away from the enjoyment of the system. Wii Sports just wasn't as
fun once I realised that a small wrist flick would be enough to send the ball
screaming. And combat in Twilight Princess was far from revolutionary -
Nintendo's great 'revolution' was to attack the enemies with furious wrist
flicks - the equivalent of the furious mouse clicking in Diablo. It wasn't
until the PlayStation Move came out that I had the true combat experience,
through Sports Champions, that I had been promised by the Wii's marketing.
To be honest I think Nintendo knew that the Wiimote sucked - the majority of Nintendo's core franchises only made light use of motion control, and Nintendo certainly didn't try anything overly revolutionary with it's own product.
To be honest I think Nintendo knew that the Wiimote sucked - the majority of Nintendo's core franchises only made light use of motion control, and Nintendo certainly didn't try anything overly revolutionary with it's own product.
And now the Wii U gamepad is the thing that Nintendo is hailing as revolutionary. Sorry Nintendo, I'm not just going to
take your word for it this time... Show me the games!
Peripherals. The Wii was a peripheral
graveyard. Giving the Wii a fair chance, I bought two Wii Motion Plus Wiimote
add-ons when they were released in 2009. Excluding Wii Sports Resort and Wii Play:
Motion (which were little more than tech demos) how many first party Nintendo
games support Wii Motion Plus on the Wii? Two... How many 3rd party games
required the Wii Motion Plus to play? One...
For Christmas 2008 I got the Wii Fit balance board from
my parents. Excluding Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus (the tech demo games of that peripheral) how many first party Nintendo games support Wii Fit? One... Wii
Music. According to wikipedia 120 games were released by 3rd party developers - most of which were shovelware
knock-offs of Wii Fit.

And that's before we even look at the
countless plastic tennis rackets and swords released by Nintendo and 3rd
parties. The Nerf N-Strike game which bundled a shovelware game with an ok Nerf
blaster. Tony Hawk's Shred which bundled a shovelware game with a barely
functional shovelware skateboard controller - a controller which itself was never used
Sometimes the Wii felt like a peripheral
dumping zone. A console where Nintendo was happy to let itself and 3rd parties
gouge the audience with cheap and crappy peripherals designed to make a quick
buck rather than add to the overall gameplay experience. It made the Wii feel
incredibly cheap.
The Games. There were simply very few games that I wanted to play on the system. I've already gone through my lack of interested towards the core Nintendo franchises, but on top of that the system also suffered from a glut (especially in the earlier years) of lazy barely playable shovelware - and extremely poor ports from other consoles, particularly PS2 titles, where the functions of the left analogue stick had been simply mapped to the Wiimote. Developers were extremely apprehensive about developing AAA titles for the system - due in no small part to the Wii's low technical specs, which is something the Wii has in common with the Wii U.

It feels like the developers hadn't played with a Wii for a great deal of time before doing this control structure as it's so full of little problems that ruin the game. For instance you have the grenade woes. To access grenades (a vital part of any good soldiers arsenal) you push on the d-pad. Doing this invariably means moving the Wiimote, thus adjusting your aim and finally meaning that when you do throw your grenade (by a flick of the nunchuck) that it will not be on target. The anger felt as you see a grenade hit off of a piece of scenery and land at your feet purely down to poor controls is quite spectacular.
For me the the Nintendo seal of Quality
simply means the game will run on a Nintendo console, and it has a 70% chance
of being shovelware or a lazy port.
The Wii didn't do anything to make me feel that Nintendo is a worth putting my money into. I'm not going to be picking up a Wii U until I can see some sort of guarantee that I won't get a repeat experience of the Wii.
Wrapping it Up.
So there we have it. I certainly don't want
Nintendo to fail - competition in the market place is the best for the gaming
community as a whole. And who really wants to see a company that has been part
of gaming since 1889 bite the dust? But we are far from the golden age of
Nintendo. This is not the same Nintendo of the 80s and 90s which almost
single-handedly saved console gaming in the United States, and ushered in a
period of genre building and innovation in the console space. Once Nintendo
gets some of that old glory back I'll be right there to pick up a console.