So, with
the Microsoft and Sony E3 keynotes over am I, as a primarily PC gamer, any
closer to picking up either of these consoles at launch? No. Not really. I can see the value of these machines, kind
of, and I'm certainly not a member of the PC MASTER RACE. Well not a hugely active member anyway - I own a PS3,
Wii, PS2, original Xbox, DS, and PSP,
with dozens of games for each system.
But I just wasn't blown away by
what was on show by Microsoft or Sony this E3.
Microsoft and Sony press conferences E3 2013. |
At the
moment for the next gen consoles I'm not really seeing anything on the
non-gaming front that my PC doesn't already do much much better. See, my desktop
is already hooked up to my 40inch Samsung flat panel, and is equipped with a TV
capture card and Windows 7 media centre. It works well - record two channels at
once while watching a DVD or playing games. Our watch TV while playing games
with picture in picture. So for me the DVR functions of the Xbox One are
straight out redundant.
Well, that
is to say that they would be if I actually had the opportunity to use them -
the live TV specific content is not available outside the US at launch. At all. So, for me
anyway, those functions of the Xbox may as well not even exist. NFL content,
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant Video, etc are also not available in New Zealand.
And things like youtube, Twitch TV, Facebook, Skype, email and web browsing are
available on pretty much everything. To be honest I'd be very surprised if
either console gives me a better web browsing experience than my PC.
Will the
consoles let me play my DVD collection that I've ripped to .mkv format without
needing my PC to act as a server? Can I access my iTunes content? Can I install Firefox and my favourite
extensions? Probably not.
The non-gaming features just don't offer anything to
pull me away from my media PC. There is nothing here to make me sit up and take
The prices
of the two consoles aren't exactly grabbing me.
The Xbox is releasing in New
Zealand for a massive $749 ($748 if you buy it on the ebgames online store... yay savings!). The PS4 will be a slightly nicer $649 - but then
the PS4 isn't shipping with the PlayStation eye as a pack in which will bump
the price up to around $749 anyway. But to be clear that price isn't actually
too much different to what people are paying in the States. Unlike the US,
retail prices in NZ are quoted as sales tax inclusive. In New Zealand we pay a
goods and services tax of 15% on all transactions, which means of that $749
price tag $112.35 is taxes - which we can't pin on Microsoft or Sony. Without
taxes we're looking at NZ$636.65. With the current exchange rate NZ$636.65 =
US$505.37. That's pretty good considering the Xbox One costs $499 in the
The thing
is $749 is simply a hell of a lot of money for something that (for me anyway)
only plays games. At $749 we’re getting into budget PC territory. Looking
around my favourite online retailers right now for about $900 I could build a
mid range gaming PC with equal, or in the case of the CPU much better, specs as
the Xbox One. Given the nature of PC components that price is likely to fall in
the 5-6 months before the consoles release.
And that computer will be able to
do all the extra computing stuff that the consoles can't; home office, audio
and video editing, coding my own games, editing this blog, etc etc. It will
also give me choice in my entertainment providers - which web browser I want to
use, who I want to buy content from, what codec’s and players I want to use,
and the formats I want to use - including playing my freaking .mkv files without needing another machine to convert them on the fly! It will also give me choice in which controller I want to use, mouse and keyboard or Xbox/Playstation controller - which for me is a huge advantage (I hate playing FPS with analogue sticks!).
Dosbox - The words greatest emulator |
This mid
range PC will almost certainly be able to play all the cross platform releases
that will come out for PC for the next 2-3 years. Maybe not at the highest
graphics quality available to the high end PCs, but they will run at the same
level as the console. But thanks to DOSbox and virtualisation, this machine
will also have access to the massive back catalogue of PC games that stretches
back nearly 30 years. The Xbox One and PS4 won't even be backwards compatible
with their own predecessors. It will also have pure awesome levels of cross
platform compatibility through emulation. Want to play Sega Master System,
SNES, PSone, ZX Spectrum games? No problem - this one machine will do it all.
else I need to consider is the price of actual games. New console titles
release to retail in New Zealand at around $120. The same titles for PC release
at around $80-$100. And then after that PC titles will begin declining in
price. A year after release PC games cost around $30-$60, or less. Console
titles have a tenancy to remain at a high price until the discount version
comes out (classics collection, etc). If a classics version comes out at all
that is.... Popular Nintendo titles seem to never drop in price. But that is retail, if we head to Steam the
discounts on PC games are huge. Entire franchises for as little as $10. New
titles come out on Steam at about $70 as opposed to full retail on PSN. And New
titles will quickly go on sale a few weeks after launch, with sometimes up to
50% off. Then consider the on going costs of console gaming; years of Xbox Live
gold and (now with the PS4) PlayStation plus subscriptions.
gaming just seems to keep getting more expensive, while the cost of PC gaming
continues to decrease. At this price point there just isn't much justification
for me to purchase a console. Not when a mid range PC will play many of the
same games while also having access to all the PC exclusives, will have the ability to do far
more stuff than the consoles, and ultimately (in NZ anyway) could work out to
be a far cheaper option in the long run.
Rome 2: Total War - not on consoles. |
PC has had
DRM restrictions for years. Worse than those suggested by Microsoft for the
Xbox One. It completely sucks. The current DRM systems employed by the Xbox
360, PS3 and Wii U are a huge advantage that the consoles have over the PC. For
me consoles are a secondary gaming device, and as a secondary device I want
them to be as hassle free as possible. Not being able to trade games to
friends? Restricting pre-owned games to 'participating' retailers? Mandatory 24
hourly check ins? No thanks. I already get enough DRM headaches from my
desktop. So with that the PS4 has an obvious advantage. Well, at this stage it
has an advantage anyway - Sony isn't putting restrictions on what DRM systems
3rd party published are allowed to use, so we could still see Xbox style DRM
appear on the PS4.
I think I'm going to wait to see how this one pays out
before passing judgement.
But at
least New Zealand is on Microsoft's 'ok to play' list. NZ must be considered
one of the cool kids. But what the hell is up with Microsoft's region locking
consoles are going to be using the magic of the great and mystical cloud to
supplement the systems. The PS4 is using the recently Sony acquired Gaikai
network to provide some (limited) PS3 backwards compatibility. The Xbox One is
using a remote server to augment the processing capability of the console, 'remotely upgrading' the system. To be honest I'm not sure how well these
streaming systems are going to work.
I have 2
1) It seems like this will require quite a bit of broadband data to
transfer information to and from the console and the server. This could prove
problematic in New Zealand where 40GB data caps are common.
OnLive - will similar success grace the
Xbox and PS4 streaming services? |
2) It seems that
bandwidth it's a critical part of the equation. Thanks to government policies
which saw telecommunications monopolized by one company for about 20 years, New
Zealand's broadband sucks. I'm on asynchronous ADSL - downloads max out at
about 8mbps and uploads are capped at 1mbps. Is that enough to use a streaming
service like what's being advertised by Microsoft and Sony? It's not enough to
watch 1080p video on YouTube.... And how much controller lag am I going to get
when my button presses are being sent to a remote server on a 1mbps connection?
What about PlayStation eye games or the Kinect - am I anywhere near able to
stream games that need these controls?
It seems more than likely that similar to
OnLive (a streaming service which didn't exactly do very well on PC) these
services will be more of a bare bones kind of affair to maximise the number of
people who can access it.
That is if
they come to New Zealand at all. I don't see Microsoft rushing to build local
servers here. And Sony's track record for this sort of thing isn't exactly
great. They couldn't be bothered to get most of the PlayStation classic titles
re-classified so they could be released here over the PSN, and so our library
of these titles is woefully small. I will be surprised if they release many
streaming PS3 titles in this part of the world.
Blood Omen - one of the many PSone Classic titles that Sony never released to the New Zealand PSN. |
But then
they really haven't told us much of anything about these services. What exactly
will be available? How will they be charging for the service? Will there be
Xbox games that actually need this 'remote upgrading' in order to function? I
think this is something else that I will reserve judgment on until release.
computing man! The PC has had CPUs with 4, 6, and 8 cores for ages, but most
games are single or dual threaded and don't make full use of the processing
power available. The Jaguar APU inside the Xbox One and PS4 are low powered,
but with the consoles moving onto an x86-64 multithreaded platform we may
finally see titles optimised for multithreaded CPUs arrive for PC. And
optimised for AMD systems none the less. Those ultra cheap Piledriver chips
which have poor single thread performance but kick ass multithreaded
performance may start coming into their own, and providing some much needed competition
to the Intel Core series. Ultimately we're looking at cheaper PC gaming and
better PC ports.
The AMD FX series... just waiting to become relevant. |
The Xbox
kinect? Not interested. Gesture and speech controls don't do anything for me
at all. To be honest I would rather not have my console watching and listening
for me to say 'Xbox on'. Plus, while Microsoft has said that the kinect won't spy on you, Microsoft (and game publishers in general) haven't exactly been completely up front about these things in the past. I'd rather just not have to worry about it.
Most of the games that caught my attention are going to be released
on PC, so the game line up isn't really pulling me towards either console at
this stage.
The Witcher 3 - I really want to play this. |
The heavy
hitting exclusive franchises for both systems don't really do anything for me.
I've never really enjoyed JRPGs and Final Fantasy just didn't interest me.
Halo... Ok, I played Halo: Combat Evolved when it came out on PC back in 2003.
I just didn't understand the hype. Dumb AI and repetitive boring level design
(The Library - half a dozen floors of droning monotonous similarity). As a
result I never bothered with the sequels. Yea, that's probably my fault for not
giving the series a fair go. But it still isn't a console seller for me.
The PC has
a massive indie game scene, which I like a lot. Half the games I play are indie
titles. So both consoles taking indie a little more seriously is great. But
then Microsoft's big reveal for indie was Minecraft... one of the most
successful PC titles of recent years, and hardly what I would call a standard indie title. I would really have liked more
information on what tools will be made available to indie's, pricing,
gameplay or subject restrictions etc... But still, encouraging indie devs to the consoles can only
be a good thing.
I'm still
disappointed by the lack of some genres that I really like at E3. Turn based and real
time strategy titles are a no show. And space combat simulators. Honestly why
do we still not have an HD remake or sequel to Tie Fighter! I get that the
audience has change a little bit, but genre variety is something that is
quickly being drained from the industry.
Star Wars Tie Fighter: I really want to play this too! |
So, that's E3 2013. Lots of good games, but no compelling arguments to buy either console.
But if I was going to buy a console at launch? PS4. Without hesitation. It's
cheaper (if you don't need the PlayStation eye), slightly more powerful, and
without the crazier of the DRM strategies that Microsoft is implementing. Maybe
if you are a diehard Halo fan you would go Microsoft? Otherwise I just can't see why you would buy an Xbox One.
I've been very happy with my PS3, and more than likely I will pick up a PS4 at some stage. But for me I'll still be
waiting until the price drops and cheaper pre-owned games start appearing in stores.
Its a joke, calm down fan boys